Be Happy Challenge-Week 6

3 min readNov 1, 2022


Consistency is the key.

I don’t know about you but I am finding it so hard to be consistent with writing every week, right now. Here I am, still kicking it though!

Let’s start with my last week’s writing. I am disappointed with what I wrote last time as it wasn’t really much. But I am glad I still published it because one of the goals of this challenge is to keep writing.

Afterwards, I did fell much better since I got it done. And so, here is the next life lesson that I learned-

There is some truth to the cliche saying- Consistency is the key.

But why is it so hard to maintain it? I am going to share some of my thoughts that prevent me from doing the task and you can see if that is something you feel too.

  1. I am too tired and therefore feel like I have no energy to write.
  2. I have other important things to do.
  3. I am afraid of what I am putting out there.
  4. I can just do it tomorrow (which never happens).

Did you identify with any of them? Even though these thoughts seem very common, they are also very persistent. In order to break the mental barrier, you need to logically breakdown each of those thoughts and see if the original negative thought make any sense.

  1. If I am too tired then I need to figure out why I am so tired. Is it because I had a long day of work? (No). Did I not eat properly? (I ate properly). Am I feeling sad? (Yes). Then I answer the question why. Once I find out why I am feeling sad, I try to rectify it. This way afterwards, I can work on my task.
  2. If I feel like I have other important things to do then I try to list all the tasks in my notepad and organise them from most important to least. I will make sure to put writing as one of the tasks to be done.
  3. If I am afraid of what I am putting out there then I just break that thought by asking what I am really afraid of. If it is judgement then that is something that happens to everybody all the time. In fact, I might get some constructive criticism about my writing that will help me become a better writer.
  4. If it is about postponing the task then I stop it right there by saying I need to stop procrastinating. There is nothing stopping me from doing this task and so I will do it today.

That last point is exactly why I am writing this today and I feel good about it. Hopefully, you guys will also find the strength to not give up on your tasks. The satisfaction from finishing it is greater than having an ice-cream! (Maybe not…)

About my weekly journey, I think I am doing ok so far. I am trying to eat healthy, which still seems hard for me as I give in to temptations really quickly. I am also working out regularly (more or less). So overall, I feel ok about this.

Until next time!




I am not a writer. I am simply someone who wants to change her life for the better. A place to share the 1st chapter of a happy story and not after the end.